Let’s bring America together one conversation at a time!

Become a United States of Listening Ambassador Now

Only after we listen, Can we have a conversation and begin to understand one another, so let’s start listening to each other today.

Why we need Ambassadors:

At the moment, most of us feel divided, misunderstood and alienated from the other side.

We can all help reunite America now!

How To become an Ambassador

There are 3 Steps to Becoming an Ambassador

Step 1 - Invite a listening Conversation partner today:

  1. As an ambassador you will be the listener.

  2. Invite someone for a 15-min video call (family, friend, colleague) who you think will vote differently than you.

    Copy and send this email to invite them:

Email Subject:

I am inviting you to join The United States of Listening - a project to bring America together one conversation at a time

Email Text Copy:

I am inviting you to join The United States of Listening - a project to bring America together one conversation at a time.

Why do we need this project?

At the moment, most of us feel divided, misunderstood and alienated from the other side.

Want to help reunite America now?

You can!


Through the magic of listening:

Only if we can listen, can we have a conversation and begin understanding one another, so let’s start listening to each other now!

How it works:

  • You will be the talker and I will be the listener

  • You answer these two questions (10 min max for both):

    • How will the candidate you plan on voting for improve your life?

    • What are your biggest fears if your candidate isn’t elected?

  • I mute myself and can only listen

  • After you are done talking, I will write down 3 needs I heard you express

  • You will then write down 3 needs you expressed

  • That’s it

Total time: 15 min


Let me know All Times that work for you in the next 3 days for our 15-min conversation.

Once you have sent me all times that work for you, I will schedule a 15-min video call (zoom, google meets or other) for us.

Let’s bring America together one conversation at a time,

Step 2 - Schedule your listening Conversation

After you have received the response to the invitation you sent, schedule a 15-min video call (zoom, google meets or other) with your conversation partner.

Step 3 - have your 15-min listening Conversation Following these Instructions:

— Bookmark or write down this URL (www.theusol.org) so you can open and follow these instructions in your call —

  1. Start the conversation by both briefly sharing your favorite experience of the past few weeks (30 sec each)

  2. Explain this process to the talker:

    • You will get up to 10 min to answer 2 questions (I will get to those in a minute)

    • After you have answered the 2 questions, we will both answer a needs survey:

      • I will write down 3 needs I heard you express.

      • You will write down 3 needs you expressed.

  3. Make this agreement with the talker:

    • “I agree to listen with openness and curiosity. My role is to only listen without any comment.”

    • Ask the talker: “Do you agree to talk with kindness and calm?” (wait for the Yes)

  4. Copy and paste these 2 questions into the chat window (if you don’t know how, just read them to the talker):

    1. How will the candidate you plan on voting for improve your life?

    2. What are your biggest fears if your candidate isn’t elected?

  5. Tell the talker to begin answering and that you will now mute yourself for 10 min

  6. Set a timer for 10 min

  7. Mute yourself

  8. Unmute yourself after 10 min or earlier if both questions have been answered

    Say: “Time is up, thank you for sharing. It is important for this project that I only listen and don’t comment on anything. We will now fill out and share the needs survey. Important: Don’t comment on anything the talker said!

  9. Copy this link to the needs survey into the chat or email it to the talker: https://forms.gle/cmTR9UudjVQzfJcw5

  10. Both of you fill out the needs survey and share your answers (listener goes first).

  11. Announce that you will also email a feedback form (link to form is below)

  12. Say good bye

  13. Email the talker and yourself the feedback form right after the listening conversation: https://forms.gle/patSE4Mszuy66b7z6

Bonus Steps To Bringing America together

Ask The Talker to become an Ambassador

Share this website with them: www.theusol.org

Invite more People to listen to

Every time you listen to another person, you make a difference and help to reunite America.

If you believe in the power of listening, please Spread the Word about the United States of Listening

Post on social media and share this website with as many people as possible:


for questions and suggestions please contact us here